Edda Fides prompt available on her way to Europe via Cape Town

Offshore Accommodation vessel Edda Fides (600 beds) has left Southeast Asia and is on her way to Europe via Cape Town.
Edda Fides left Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the 12 March and has been at sea since. Estimated arrival at Mauritius the 8 April.

Edda Fides is prompt available and no commitments in the near future.

The vessel is a purpose built DP3 unit with station keeping as it main criteria in order to meet the highest requirements from the customer.
Edda Fides holds a passenger certificate which allows her to transport personnel offshore.

Edda Fides was delivered in 2011 and has since, successfully completed projects in the North Sea UK Sector, the Mediterranean, both in the Bass Strait and Western Australia, on several projects in the US Gulf and recently in Malaysia.